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Over the Bar

 "My dad told me that if you swing over the bar you'll turn inside out like a sock."

"No way! That’s ridiculous."

"Yes way! It’s physics. You just have never heard of it happening because it's impossible."

"It's not impossible."

"It's physically impossible man. No one can do it."

"I can do it."

“You can’t swing over the bar Cody”

“Yes I can. I’ve done it before. Lots of times.”

"OK. Prove it.”

“I don’t feel like it right now Joel.”

“See. You’re just saying that cause you can’t do it.”

“I can do it. Just not right now. I've got a stomach ache.”

“I dare you to swing over the bar Cody. I double dare you."

Cody couldn’t turn down a double dare. He would be ridiculed for chickening out until the end of the school year. He had no choice but to give it his best shot. Hesitantly he walked to the swing set and sat down in the seat.

Silently Joel watched the swing climb into the air. Cody's legs shot up at each peak then slammed back with all his body weight on each descent. His movements were more like a gymnast's than a kid swinging on a swing set. He was using all of his might. Everything he had. Higher and higher the swing went. Cody's torso was flying just above the bar now and he showed no signs of stopping. The swing flew so high he almost felt dizzy. He threw his body back hard to gain one last surge of momentum. Then, just like that, right before Joel could ridicule him for being wrong, Cody swung over the bar.

The chain from the swing wrapped around the bar and fired Cody into the air like a slingshot. He prepared for the impact and miraculously landed on his feet in a wobbly dismount. Cody looked up in defiance at Joel who was staring back in complete shock. Mouth agape.

"I told you loser! It’s not impossi…." Cody gurgled collapsing into a pool of guts and mangled skin turned inside out like a sock.

🛈 - Posted on r/shortscarystories cut to 500 words. Thx for reading!

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