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There's someone in my house. I heard a window break and my front door creak open. Then the sounds of footsteps slowly entering. I can hear them right now shuffling through my home in the darkness. I'm trying to stay silent. Trying to slow my breathing. Maybe they'll go away. Maybe I can hide here in my room. Maybe it will all be ok. The footsteps continue up the stairs and I realize that's not going to happen. The sounds draw closer with every second until they pause in front of my bedroom door.

Someone’s in my room. A filthy woman dressed in dirty tattered clothes. Her muddy boots leave footprints on the hardwood floor. I lie in my bed in shock and watch her slowly ease further through the threshold. Somehow, she seems so familiar. I don’t know her, but she resembles someone I do. Her eyes lock onto mine. I lay lifeless staring back gripped in terror. She says nothing and turns her attention to the vanity in the corner of the room. The woman sits down and stares into the mirror. She reaches a dirty hand toward my brush and begins yanking it through her matted hair. It's the same color as mine. The same length too. She finishes and looks back at me smiling.

Someone's in my clothes. She’s traded her mud-covered boots for my sneakers. She’s helped herself to my perfume and the makeup laid out by the mirror. She no longer looks horrible as she glances into the vanity mirror. She looks like me. Almost identical. The phone on my desk rings and she answers it. She begins speaking. Raspy at first but then clearer and softer. Eventually mimicking me perfectly. "Yes mom. I'll be over in about an hour. Love you too.” quickly ending the call before I can manage a cry for help.

There's Someone in my closet but no one knows it’s me. They don’t even know I’m gone. She tricked them all. I’ve tried screaming for help but no one can hear me. Of course they can’t hear me. It's too late. I’ve been dead for days.

🛈 - Posted on r/shortscarystories cut to 500 words. Thx for reading!

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