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“Come on. Let’s go hang behind the funhouse.” Kyle grinned.

Jessica laughed and took Kyle’s hand quickly slipping out of the fairground crowd and into his arms. They kissed intimately for what seemed like minutes but the intensity of the make-out session caused both to lose track of time. Jessica checked her watch.

“OK, Kyle. We really need to get back to the festivities. It’s getting late.” Jessica said pushing Kyle back out into the fairway.

They emerged from their makeshift hideout to find the fair almost deserted. Both looked around puzzled at how quickly the crowd had left.

“I guess we got carried away!” Kyle said smiling.

Jessica smiled back at her boyfriend and they started toward the exit hand in hand.

“What’s that?” Jessica asked pointing toward a figure in the distance.

Kyle focused on the form of a flamboyantly dressed man walking out from a dark corner of the front of the fairground. The clown had a blank gaze on his white face as he slowly walked in the couple’s direction.

“Just a clown,” Kyle responded.

“I hate those things,” Jessica smirked

“Oh come on!” Kyle said laughing. “He just wants a kiss!”

“Shut up!” She playfully snapped back.

As the clown drew closer Kyle noticed a glinting reflection dancing off something he couldn’t quite make out. Maybe a flashlight? He wasn’t sure. The clown walked out of the shadows revealing a huge butcher’s knife in his hand. Kyle froze. The pace of the clown increased. He widened his blood-red painted smile exposing horrible black teeth that seemed filed to a point.

Jessica screamed as Kyle grabbed her arm running back down the fairway. The knife-wielding clown close behind. They dashed back to the funhouse and stumbled inside into the darkness. Both breathing heavily hiding in a maze of mirrors. The darkness was overwhelming. They sat in silence. After several minutes Jessica reached out to grab Kyle’s hand and trembling pulled him towards her. Kyle sat with Jessica, cheek to cheek, comforting her. She felt safe in his arms. Tears streamed down her face as he kissed her then rustled away. Soon after, Jessica heard him whisper “This way.” Kyle was enveloped in light as he opened the rear exit door.

They erupted through the back exit into the blinding streetlamp light. Both fleeing in terror till their legs burned too much to continue. They had to stop. Jessica looked back toward the fairgrounds. There was no sign of the murderous clown. They hurried down the road catching their breath happy to be alive. Suddenly Jessica noticed Kyle staring at her, frozen in fear.

“What are you looking at? Stop it, Kyle! You’re scaring me.” She said crying.

“Look!” Kyle said pushing her towards the side mirror of a nearby parked car. “Look at your face!

Jessica screamed in horror at her reflection. She was covered in smeared clown paint. Her cheeks white. Lips blood red.

🛈 - Posted on r/shortscarystories. Thx for reading!

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