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The Watcher

I suddenly woke from a deep sleep with the horrible feeling that someone was watching me. It was extremely odd. I wasn't having a nightmare. I hadn't been startled awake by some strange noise. I simply woke up and felt like someone was staring at me. I tried to shake it off and explain away the uncomfortable feeling to no avail. The hair stood up on my neck. Terrified, I threw on a coat and left my apartment heading for the closest place open where I wouldn’t be alone. I stumbled upon a 24-hour diner a block away.

I scanned the restaurant as I sat down happy to see an older couple having breakfast. I had finally calmed down and settled in when the waitress asked me for my order.

"A cup of coffee please." I said. "And do you happen to have apple pie?"

"Sure Hun!" she answered. "Coming right up!"

I started to ready my coffee. Not too much cream but just enough to lighten the color and... The feeling returned. I jumped from the table scanning the windows of the diner expecting to see an old boyfriend, relative, anyone. But there was no one there. Just a reflection of the waitress looking at me startled. I sat back down feeling quite foolish the waitress returned to my table with a carafe of coffee.

"You look like you may need this sweetheart. Long night?"

“Yes it has been. Have you ever had that feeling that you were being watched? I’ve felt uncomfortable all day like someone was stalking my every move. I know that sounds crazy but..."

“No Hun! That’s not crazy at all! It happened to me too. All of us I assume. Don't worry it will pass.”

“You sound like you've had a lot of experience with this kind of thing.” I said smiling.

“Years ago but not much anymore. I’m an old woman now!” she laughed. “Oh, but when I was younger, that was a different story. I was in love with a handsome doctor. We had a wonderful romance. People watched me all the time. It’s been a long time since I’ve felt that feeling but when someone comes in like you... they pay attention to me again.”


“Oh don't you worry Hun, you seem like an interesting person. You’re gonna keep their attention for sure! Now I’ll leave you to it.” she said and walked away.

I finished, paid the check, and started the short walk home still thinking about the bizarre conversation with the waitress. She seemed too normal to be crazy. Maybe she was high or senile. No. She acted very sober and friendly. I was feeling more and more confused until suddenly I realized the truth. Everything just made sense. You’ve been there all along watching me, haven’t you?

Now that I’ve noticed you I’m terrified of what it might mean. Who was I before you started reading and where will I go when you stop.

 This story was featured in a collection of short stories on YouTube by 
TheDarkNarrator. Check out the great narration here

🛈 - Posted on r/shortscarystories. Thx for reading!
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