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A Conjugal Visit

The chiming clock thundered through the cabin as I made myself a glass of bourbon, turned around, and promptly let it fall to the floor. It had been over a year. Thirteen months of sorrow but impossibly, there she sat. Just as beautiful as the day I last saw her. I was frozen in a state of shock. Eyes wide. Mouth agape. In utter disbelief. She smiled that perfect smile extinguishing all my remaining fear. I couldn’t help myself. I moved towards her falling to my knees, my head in her lap. She lifted my eyes towards hers and kissed me.

She was more than just my wife. She was my most trusted friend. My soul mate, if there is such a thing. My broken heart renewed as we lay next to one another. We communicated with nods and smiles, kisses and caresses. Not far removed from other couples that have developed their own "hidden" language. We danced. We stared into each other’s eyes. I held her for hours and hours praying the night would never end. Then of course, before I knew it, it did. The clock chimed again loudly as she began to fade away. With a single tear in her eyes, she blew a kiss and was gone. Leaving me behind again. Weeping and alone. Or so I thought.

"Oh, my dear Mr. Norton. I can only imagine how emotional this must be for you." a voice from behind me said.

“Bring her back!” I screamed, clenching my fist. “For God’s sake bring her back right now!”

“Oh, Mr. Norton you know I can’t do that. One night remember?”

“How is this happening? It can’t be real!” I sobbed. "I don’t believe in this stuff.”

“I know Mr. Norton. But belief isn’t required by me. In fact, it’s much easier without it.”

I slunk to the ground in regret as he continued, “Now don't fret Mr. Norton you’ll see her again. This time each year and the year after and so on but just for one night. Just like we agreed. And speaking of agreements Mr. Norton it’s your turn to deliver.”

The walls of the cabin suddenly set aflame. They burnt to the floor in seconds revealing the surrounding void. Only the scorching light seeping from a gigantic gate was visible. It was accompanied by the smell of sulfur and the horrible screams behind it. He took me by the hand and roughly began to drag me toward the gate.

“What if she forgets?” I whimpered. “What if she forgets me?”

“Well Mr. Norton I must say, a lot can happen in an eternity. You would be surprised how much. I can only guarantee what I promised.” he chuckled “Alas, a deal’s a deal.”

The heat from the gate intensified as he pulled me closer and closer towards oblivion.

“She was worth it.” I thought.

Please let her remember me. Please God let her remember me.

🛈 - Posted on r/shortscarystories. Thx for reading!
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