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A Child's Testimony

I love my Sister Beth. She’s the greatest Sister in the whole wide world. She plays with Daddy and me even though she says she’s too old to play with little girls and when I have a bad dream she snuggles with me so I’m not so scared. But she was too scared to snuggle when the bad man came. We both were.

Beth was asleep but I saw the bad man climb in the window. I was too frightened to move. The bad man grabbed Beth and covered her mouth. He held her in the air squirming until she stopped. I lay quietly acting like I was asleep. The bad man looked at me but must have heard my Daddy because he turned quickly, walked out of the room, and jumped out of the hallway window. I screamed for my Daddy but when he walked in all he could do was hold Beth and rock her while he cried. I cried too. I told Daddy it would be OK. That I saw everything and I would tell on that bad man that hurt my sister.

The policeman came and looked at everything. There were so many people and I was trying so hard to get them to listen but they wouldn’t. Not until one of them noticed me yelling and picked me up. The policeman reached behind me and pulled my string. I stopped yelling and said, “You're my best friend”. That wasn’t true but I said it all the same. He opened the hole in my chest and pulled out my secret camera. The pictures showed that bad man and what he did to my sister. The bad man went to work with my Daddy so the policeman found him and put him in jail.

Daddy doesn’t play with me anymore. Sometimes I ask him if we can have a tea party like we used to with Beth but he doesn’t listen. Not even when I tell him he's my best friend. He just looks at me with that scared look and locks me in the room. I know he misses Beth. I miss her too. The room is so quiet now that she’s gone.

 This story was featured in a collection of short stories on YouTube by 
Agro Squerrils. Check out the great narration here 

🛈 - Posted on r/shortscarystories. Thx for reading!
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